RT-PAL is a set of 3D images that make a virtual model of an average paediatric patient developed for academic research use.
This model was generated by merging computed tomography (CTs) from a population of paediatric radiotherapy patients. Full description of the methodology used for its synthesis is published elsewhere (Veiga et al, 2021)
The atlas serves as a common reference frame to spatially standardise this complex population, facilitating subsequent analysis of the population. It was developed with the aim of facilitating research into paediatric radiotherapy late effects. Examples of applications include identifying regions of the body more prone to radiation side-effects (voxel-based analysis), estimating out of field effects, etc.
The atlas was built through a collaboration with University College London Hospitals.
C Veiga, P Lim, V Anaya, E Chandy, R Ahmad, D D’Souza, M Gaze, S Moinuddin and J Gains “Atlas construction and spatial normalisation to facilitate radiation-induced late effects research in childhood cancer,” Phys. Med. Biol. 66 105005 (2021).
The model is available for non-commercial research here
If you would like to request updates of the availability of data and pipelines, or have any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please include your name, institution, department and contact details on requests.
Dr Catarina Veiga
Associate Professor, Paediatric Radiotherapy & Imaging (PRIma) Group
Centre for Medical Image Computing
Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering
8th floor, Male Place Engineering Building, Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT
E-mail: c.veiga@ucl.ac.uk
Copyright (c) 2021, University College London
All rights reserved.